User Mailing Lists

If you are interested in getting the latest news about SAC, sharing experience with other SAC users, or just exchanging your ideas about how SAC could be improved with others, please subscribe to one of the SAC mailing lists.

Name Purposer
sac-announce A very low traffic list used for important news about SAC, like new releases, publications, etc… Whoever is interested in SAC should be subscribed to this list.
sac-user A general discussion list for users of SAC. Use this list to ask questions about SAC, suggest new features or just chat.

Archives can be reached via sac-announce-archive and sac-user-archive.

Developer Mailing Lists

The SaC developer mailing list is the major forum for all kinds of discussions related to the entire project. Any mail which is addressed to more than a single member of the SaC research group should be sent to this mailing list rather than to individual people.

If you are a new member of the group, subsribe now to get access to ongoing discussions.

Name Purpose
sac-devel The general discussion list for developers.

To subscribe to one of the lists, use the linked information page or write an email to <list>